May 28, 2024

Charter Schools: Doing More with Less!

A new study by the University of Arkansas revealed that charter schools have a higher return on investment despite a significant funding gap than their traditional district-run counterparts.  

Since charter schools are free public schools open to all students, they receive public funding from the state and local school districts. The study reviewed per-pupil funding in 18 major cities across 16 states. It found that, on average, charter schools receive $7,147 (29.5%) less than neighboring traditional public schools.

The study then combined funding data with student achievement results to determine what taxpayers were getting for their money. The results were clear – even though charter schools receive less funding, they provide a 58% higher return rate on investment.

Read Patrick J. Wolf’s article, Charters Yield More Learning, higher Earnings than District Schools Per $1 Spent, in The 74 for the full results.  

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